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Presidents, prime ministers, the royals, half of Hollywood and London’s high society have all enjoyed the privilege of sitting at Anton Mosimann’s table. The only way to top this exclusive experience is to dine with him. Switzerland’s most famous chef is the perfect old-school gentleman and a walking history book. We had the privilege of accompanying him on his rally through half of Switzerland – in the slipstream of his fiery red Jaguar XKR8.

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Christian von Rechenberg received me at the stroke of 11 with a broad smile and a warm welcome. He was perfectly dressed, looking fresh and dapper.

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Specialising in turning brands and spaces into audible experiences, The Music Architect’s founder and creative director, former classical cellist Zoë Burnard, gives us a glimpse into her world of sights and sounds in ten questions.

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In the gourmet restaurant of Berlin’s legendary Adlon Hotel, Reto Brändli still fondly remembers the feeling when he first stood looking though the window out at the Brandenburger Tor.

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