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Upgrade Yourself

I don’t know about you, but I always feel ambivalent about oh-so-attractive and apparently-super-duper-exclusive upgrade offers – be it at a hotel, fashion store, rental car company, fine dining restaurant, on a webshop or per Instagram DM.

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Summer Magazine 2024 Upgrade Yourself 230927 Daniel F Illu Dan Roznov RZ

© Illustration Daniel Föllmi

Not because I am not open to it, but because these kind of offers are most often pitched half-heartedly, to the point of appearing pushy and sleazy. Elegantly screaming: profit, book, only now. Or you will risk receiving tonnes of bad karma. Poor tactics can transform even the most tempting upgrade into what may feel almost like a downgrade. And in the worst case, it can set a sour tone for the rest of your long-term relationship with a client. As the saying goes: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Sophisticated upselling is an art form that remains one of the most underrated and widely underused sales tactics in the luxury lifestyle business, and only a few dare to perfect it. All you need is a change of heart: stop being driven by the urge to convert and get to know your clients. Remember that phrase from The Wolf of Wall Street: ‘Sell me this pen!’ People still debate its meaning and many suggest it is a metaphor for dull tactics. The point being, not to come up with rational sales arguments, but to engage with clients, ask questions and actively listen to answers, only to make the most personal, unforgettable upsells Honey, remember the Sommelière that made us discover Château D’Yquem, with the tasty safran notes? There is nothing quite like feeling totally understood. The top luxury brands all recognise the power of bespoke human bonding. In my humble opinion, one species is particurly skilled at it and I am always interested in studying their tactics: barkeepers. Sorry, mixologists, as they are called today, but keeper of the bar sounds bigger. Within little time, they need to assess moods of customers. Like, leave us the beeeep alone. Here we are now, entertain us. I need to pour my heart out. Hi sexy, flirt with us. Or, let’s celebrate our big deal. And come up with drinks to underline that very feeling, even go beyond it and take it to another level. That’s the true misson. What does the art of upselling come down to? Empathy? Leadership? Intuition? Charm? Good looks? Can this talent be acquired or can it only be learned early on by the social skills in our family? Hey Chat GPT, please answer these questions. And don’t bother upselling. Sure, we love the thrill of being offered something special that is very personal to us, be it an experience or a thing we didn’t know we needed. Providing us with endless goosebumps that lighten our day, year, life. Even if overshadowed by the swipe of your pretty American Express Platinum Card. Sure I do. But I don’t need to wait for someone to offer it to me and I believe that we should upgrade ourselves constantly in all sorts of life situations, big or small. Don’t just accept the table they assigned to you, ask for one with a better view. Make an effort to go hit the beach early. Eat sweet mangos when in season. Go for a walk when the sun is out. Make time to attend your kid’s games. Buy the sleek shoes not to own, but because you feel empowered in them. Get the lipstick that makes you feel desired. Upgrade yourself, for yourself, not for others. Because in life, the only way is up.  Talking of it, I am currently taking Spanish classes to up my language game for my next trip to Mexico. So I don’t get ripped off when someone tries to upsell me something. But that story is for another time. Until then: Bon Voyage!

Words Dan Roznov

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