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High quality organic coffees

Anyone who is on the lookout for a special flavour experience with coffee would be well advised to try a single origin coffee. The beans come from only one country of origin and guarantee exquisite flavours – ranging from sweet to nutty to fruity – thanks to the traditional cultivation, harvesting and sustainable processing methods used. In order to offer a sustainable flavour experience, Nespresso offers part of its Professional coffee range Origins for companies, restaurants and hotels in organic quality. Today, there are four organic varieties in the Nespresso Professional range.

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Winter 2023 2024 High Quality Organic Coffees P 4207 A3A8613 Eci RGB

Brazil Organic Brazil

Organic from Nespresso Professional reflects Brazil and its soils, ecosystems and aromas in all their diversity. Grown sustainably, this organic coffee originates partly from the dry savannah of the Cerrado region and partly from the hilly plantations in the southern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. A pure Arabica blend, Brazil Organic is a fine combination of unmistakable notes of roasted grain and caramel. The aroma is rounded off with hints of wood, nuts and spices. Neither bitter nor sour,it is the perfect choice for anyone who prefers especially mild coffee.

Congo Organic

The fertile volcanic soils on the shores of Lake Kivu are home to coffee plants that produce a smooth organic coffee with notes of roasted grains, aromas of hazelnut and a mild fruity flavour. The beans undergo a split roasting process. Both batches are roasted for a short time till dark, but the first batch is roasted a little longer for greater intensity.

Colombia Organic

Residing at dizzyingly high altitudes, surrounded by national parks, the coffee farmers of the Tolima region put their heart and soul into growing their Arabica coffee in the shade of the trees and clouds. The volcanoes in the area make for nutrient-rich soils, and the result is healthier coffee plants that produce a more complex cup of coffee. In addition to the generous, dense texture of its crema, this coffee stands out on account of the split roasting process used to produce it. As is typical of is origin, Colombia Organic has distinctive, classical notes of red fruits. When it is combined with milk, sweet hints of caramel emerge.

Peru Organic

The Arabica beans used for Nespresso Professional’s first certified organic coffee, which it has been offering to its business, restaurant and hotel industry customers for a number of years now, grow at altitudes of 1,000 to over 2,000 metres, hidden away on remote slopes of the Peruvian Andes. Peru Organic is a fruity, elegant coffee with a delicate acidity that is offset wonderfully by the contrasting aromas of roasted sweet grains. It develops its exceptional flavour profile thanks to the high atmospheric humidity in the sub-tropical highland climate where it grows – as well as, naturally, the loving care of the coffee farmers who have passed down their expertise in coffee cultivation for generations.

Certifying Nespresso’s commitment

To provide the best high-quality coffee, Nespresso has been committed to sustainability for over 30 years. Having received the B Corp certification in 2022, Nespresso has joined a community of companies that commit to strict social and environmental standards. B Corp is more than just a certification – it is a sustainability movement in which everyone shares the same motto: Using business as a force for good.

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